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History of Lakeside Press &

Lakeside Press was founded in 1990 to self publish our nightmare story about defective house construction in a Cleveland suburb. That book, And They Built a Crooked House, came out in 1991.


Although limited in distribution, Crooked House was widely acclaimed as a first person account of what happens when the dishonest and incompetent build a house, and the legal system is of no help. Our experience, coupled with what we learned from many other people in similar circumstances who read Crooked House, led to a 2nd self-published book about the nationwide problem of defective house construction: Crumbling Dreams: What You Must Know Before Bulding or Buying a New House (or Condo) (1992).


Self publishing before the internet era was a daunting and expensive proposition, with significant problems in distribution. When the internet became widely available in the mid 1990s we acquired the domain name, coded the books into html and moved them onto the server. At the time there was no Google, no Yahoo, and almost no other books were being published on the internet. tramadol

As a physician I had also written several books on medical topics, and all or parts of these were also migrated to the internet:

Over time became a vehicle for extending my medical teaching and writing to a wider audience on the internet. I created and uploaded numerous web sites. Like Scuba Diving Explained, much of this material has a medical theme but is intended for a general audience. This is particularly so for web sites dealing with asthma and COPD, chronic cough, asbestos-related disease and various sleep disorders. For an index of all web sites see either Main Subject Index or Alphabetical Index.

Lakeside Press is no longer a print publisher, and exists only in its domain name status: Just two of the above books are still in print in the U.S. -- All You Really Need to Know to Interpret Arterial Blood Gases (Lippincott) and "We Can't Kill Your Mother!" and Other Stories of Intensive Care (Author House). All the other books are on line (except for a few chapters of Pulmonary Physiology in Clinical Practice). does not publish outside work. Its singular purpose is to disseminate information on a wide variety of topics relating mostly to my specialties of pulmonary and sleep medicine.

Not all is medically-related, of course. The two 'house construction' books got us started in publishing and, since their message is timeless, will stay on the web indefinitely. And then there's golf. I took up the game as a sometimes relaxing hobby, and experienced the frustration of those who only start playing in middle age. I reached a wall and couldn't get better despite a fairly intense effort. I came to understand why some are good and others not so good at the game, and decided to write about what I learned. My essay -- Secrets of the best golfers: from a professional...golfer -- has been especially well received, both for its insight and the fact that it eschews the upbeat pablum one reads in popular golf magazines (it sure wouldn't sell a lot of golf merchandise). Along the way I also wrote a short on-line-only book that was inspired by some people we played with over the years: Why Are You STILL a Hacker?

In 2008 I signed up with Google Ads to help defray the cost of web site maintenance. These ads have no influence on any of the content. Finally, whether good or bad, constructive or destructive, I welcome comments on any of the web sites.

Lawrence Martin, MD
Cleveland, Ohio
January, 2009

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